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Largest study of its kind finds alcohol use biggest risk factor for dementia

Of the 57,000 cases of early-onset dementia (before the age of 65), the majority (57%) were related to chronic heavy drinking.

Article Alcohol, Study
MADD – Power of Parents: Talking with Teens about Alcohol

For families struggling with how to address underage drinking, MADD’s Power of Parents High School Handbook and Power of Parents Middle School Handbook give parents the tools to start the conversation, set family rules and enforce consequences; includes free 15-minute online workshops with tips and tools for parents on how to talk with their children about alcohol.

Alcohol, Parents
Making Summer Safe Article, Other Resources
Marijuana-Drug Information

Marijuana refers to the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indicaplant. The plant contains the mind-altering chemical THC and other similar compounds.

All Drug Information, Article, Marijuana Drug Information
Mental Health First Aid- One Pager

Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. This 8-hour training gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem and help connect them to the appropriate care.

Community, Data Sheets, Other Resources Mental Health
Mixing Alcohol and Medicine Alcohol, Article NIAAA
MORA- Messengers of Recovery Awareness

We are a Tampa-based community support organization  that supports Recovery.  Addiction touches everyone.  It's a disease that effects the whole community.  At MORA, our hope is to diminish the stigma of addiction by supporting families and providing educational, preventive programs.

Recovery/Treatment Tampa Bay, Events
More Articles on Delta-8


Article Delta-8
Mother loses son to drugs

TAMPA, Fla. - Cindy Grant grew up among a large family of lobster fishermen, but after moving to Tampa she suffered an unimaginable tragedy. Now she has dedicated her life to helping others overcome substance abuse.    


Article HCADA Interview
National Families in Action

Excellent information on the cost of legalizing marijuana to employers.  Also, great resource for articles throughout the nation on impact of legalization and other topics of interest.  Based out of Georgia.

National Highway Safety Traffic Administration Alcohol
National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Alcohol NIAAA
NIAAA College Drinking Prevention Youth
NIDA Public Education Videos

Excellent short educational videos.  Also, in Spanish.

All Drug Information, Video NIDA
NIDA – Marijuana: Facts for Teens

Answers teens’ most frequently asked questions about drugs and abuse with scientific facts and engaging images.

Marijuana, Youth
NIDA – Publications for Parents

Access a wealth of information and downloadable full-text publications for parents, on a range of topics, including addiction science, medical consequences, trends and statistics, and the link between drugs and HIV/AIDS.

Addiction, All Drug Information, Parents, HCADA General
NIDA- for Parents of Teens

NIDA for Parents of Teens.

All Drug Information, Parents
NIDA- Teens

  The Science behind Drug Use.

All Drug Information, Youth

Website contains everything you need to know about the consequences and risks of using marijuana.  Articles, infographics, statistics, data, Colorado data, comparing alcohol and marijuana, research, studies and many educational ideas.


Nope Hillsborough

The NOPE, Narcotics Overdose Prevention and Education, Task Force is a 501-c3 nonprofit organization that was formed in Palm Beach County, Florida in 2004. Comprised of community leaders and concerned families working diligently to save lives of those effected by substance abuse, the Hillsborough Chapter was established in 2011.

Powerful presentations for students and parents.  Approved by Hillsbourgh County School system.

Parents, Programs Educational Material, Rx Drug, Youth
November 2017: Opioid Crisis

It is estimated that 14 people die from an opioid drug overdose each and every day in our state, and Tampa Bay is ground zero for this deadly crisis. While Governor Rick Scott has declared a public health emergency and set aside millions of dollars to fight the opioid epidemic, is it enough? How did opioid addiction get so out of hand and what can be done about it?

Rx Drug, Video HCADA Interview
Opioid deaths skyrocket across US; Tampa Bay one of worst in nation for overdoses

In the Tampa Bay area, the overdose rate is 23 out of every 100,000 people. That rate is 9 percent higher than the rest of Florida and 50 percent higher than the national average. Florida ranks second only to California in the number of overdose deaths. But the fight against opioids continues.

Article, Rx Drug
Opioid Epidemic Resource Center

The opioid epidemic is taking lives every day. In the United States, where President Trump has declared it a national public health emergency, prescription opioids and heroin killed more than 33,000 people in 2015, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Addiction, Rx Drug opioid epidemic
Opioid Prevention Kits- DFA Rx Drug DFA, Opioid, prescription drugs
Opioid use prevalent among electronic dance music partygoers

One in 10 electronic dance music (EDM) party attendees have misused opioids in the past year, exceeding the national average, finds a study by the Center for Drug Use and HIV/HCV Research (CDUHR) at NYU Meyers College of Nursing.

Article EDM, Opioid
Opioids-Drug Information

Opioids are a class of drugs naturally found in the opium poppy plant. Some prescription opioids are made from the plant directly, and others are made by scientists in labs using the same chemical structure.

Prescription Opioids



All Drug Information, Article Drug Information
Overview of Major Issues Regarding the Impacts of Alcohol and Marijuana on Driving

As part of a project funded by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, this document provides an overview of issues related to marijuana consumption, driving impairment and blood testing as well as the potential impacts of social and legal factors. Comparisons are made to alcohol to provide a point of reference. This
overview focuses on the types of marijuana generally available at legal recreational stores and medical dispensaries and not on pharmaceutical grade preparations. 

Article Alcohol, marijuana, driving
PARAPHERNALIA - Juul E-Cigarettes

“Juul is already a massive public-health disaster—and without dramatic action it’s going to get much, much, much worse.”
Winickoff believes that the vape industry is co-opting the national wellness trend—“when, in fact, vaping can cause something called bronchiolitis obliterans, or popcorn lung,” he said. Popcorn lung has been linked to diacetyl, an organic compound that some companies use in their e-liquid, and that has been detected as a by-product of e-cigarette vapor. But diacetyl has also been detected in cigarette smoke, at a level hundreds of times greater, and no feasible amount of smoking has been found to cause popcorn lung. (Juul does not use diacetyl in its liquid, and, in tests, the company has found no measurable amounts of diacetyl in the vapor emitted by its devices.)

All Drug Information PARAPHERNALIA
Parent Training - Vaping

Questions that will be answered...

What is Vaping?
What’s it look like?
What are they vaping?
How can I talk to my teen about vaping?
Is it that big of a deal?
Isn’t it safer than cigarettes?

Article vaping, parents
Pediatricians recommend screening children for drug use starting at age 9

Young children are getting their hands on drugs more than ever before. It's becoming such a concern that the American Academy of Pediatrics is recommending children as young as nine be screened for substance abuse.

All Drug Information, Article, HCADA General, Parents, Professional, Youth Drug Screening
Phoenix House

Phoenix House is committed to treating the whole person — and their families — with caring, qualified professionals in the fields of psychiatry, medicine, mental health, social work, education, and recovery support. Their teams of experts address underlying causes of substance abuse and behavioral patterns to guide clients toward lasting recovery.

Potent drugs packaged like candy, legally sold in Florida sparks calls for stricter rules

TAMPA, Fla.  — Products from cake pops to candy containing a chemical compound called Delta 8 are being sold legally in Florida without a prescription and with the goal of getting people high.

The I-Team has uncovered these products have caused hospitalizations and at least one death, sparking calls in Hillsborough County for better regulation of these products.

“It’s candy with drugs in it sold in your convenience store,” said Ellen Snelling, who chairs the Hillsborough County Anti-Drug Alliance.

She recently took packages of candy that looked like popular brands, including Skittles, Nerds and gummy bears.

Article Snelling, Delta-8
Prevention Center Research Alcohol

Hillsborough County has consistently been ranked the worst or near the worst in Florida for DUI crashes, injuries, and fatalities. Given the dangers of impaired driving and the importance of reducing recidivism to promote long-term community safety, the State Attorney’s Office (SAO) has established the Reducing Impaired Driving Recidivism (“RIDR”) initiative.

Article State Attorney
Rehab- Find a Treatment Facility- SAMHSA

Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator:  Welcome to the Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator, a confidential and anonymous source of information for persons seeking treatment facilities in the United States or U.S. Territories for substance abuse/addiction and/or mental health problems.

Addiction, Recovery/Treatment
Resource Assessment – Hillsborough County Substance Abuse Prevention

Resource Assessment – Hillsborough County Substance Abuse Prevention

Article, Programs Educational Material Prevention Program
Safe Ride America Alcohol Transportation
SAMHSA Research-Based Prevention Programs

Programs and campaigns offering information, training, and technical assistance to improve the quality and delivery of behavioral health services across the nation.

Programs Educational Material, Community
Sentiment still mixed as some celebrate 4/20 Article No2pot, marijuana
Smart Colorado

Smart Colorado: Protecting youth from marijuana.



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