HCADA uses the SPF/SIG “Public Health Model” to identify community substance abuse prevention needs and solutions. This initiative brings together the community to develop comprehensive solutions to their identified substance abuse problems. These problems are then addressed with strategies that are proven effective in promoting population level change. Members advocate for and support the use of evidence-based substance abuse prevention programs, practices, and policies. The coalition consistently monitors the progress towards meeting the identified goals which will lead to the population level change we need to see in our community.
Thank You To The Community!
HCADA would like to thank all of our members and collaborative partners — both new and long term. HCADA is committed to a community collaboration and planning process that continues to make Hillsborough County a healthier and safer place for all of us to live. Thanks to your commitment and efforts we continue to be engaged in the work surrounding our State approved Community Action Plans around Tobacco, Alcohol Related Motor Vehicle Crashes, Underage Drinking and Prescription Drug Misuse/Abuse. Currently we are working on our 4th priority problem needs assessment on the consequences of marijuana use among our youth. We work with all segments of the community and look forward to working with you on the issues facing Hillsborough County now and in the future.
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