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Drug Information, PARAPHERNALIA
2018 Florida Driving Impaired Survey

The results of this study provide the Florida DHSMV with a substantial amount of information about Florida residents’ perceptions of and behaviors related to impaired driving.

Florida, Impaired
CDC Study Omits States Marijuana States CDC, Legalization, Colorado, Washington, Oregon, youth usage
Drug Paraphernalia

Information on current drug paraphernalia

PARAPHERNALIA, Drug Information
Edibles And Concentrates Are Red-Hot, According To Latest Numbers

Colorado's legal cannabis sales continue to smash records, mainly because of the increased interest in concentrates and edibles. Dispensary sales in April surged by 58 percent over the same period previous year, according to Boulder-based BDS Analytics.

Increased ER visits, hospitalization and fatal car accidents have been some of the consequences of the increasing edible industry.

marijuana, Colorado, Edibles
EyeDentifying Drug Abuse

When the following signs and symptoms are consistently  identified, along with  other health consequences like changes in hair, changes teeth, changes  skin, changes mental health, and changes social habits, they can indicate problematic substance use.   The person generally loses interest in life,  stops setting goals and struggles with activities of daily living. 


Drug Information
FHP: Drunk wrong-way-driving deputy found hiding after crash

According to FHP, it was around 3:30 a.m. when Justin Garrett's Ford Explorer, heading southbound in the northbound lanes of I-75, clipped the truck just north of the Hillsborough-Manatee County line, and kept going

Alcohol, wrong-way-driver, Hillsborough
HCADA talks with Tampa Bay Times about Josie’s Pledge

At the age of 17, he took the life of Linda Unfried’s sister, Josie DiStefano Palomino, in a DUI crash.

Unfried founded the Hillsborough chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving in the wake of her sister’s death 31 years ago. She remains vigilant today. She thinks of the teen involved in her sister’s death and wants desperately to reduce underage drinking.

Josies Pledge, MADD, HCADA
Mom who lost son shares concern about super pill
prescription drugs, deadly, HCADA Interview, Video
More Articles on Delta-8


Vaping- Parent Training

Questions that will be answered...

What is Vaping?
What’s it look like?
What are they vaping?
How can I talk to my teen about vaping?
Is it that big of a deal?
Isn’t it safer than cigarettes?

vaping, parents
Pilot Project Launched to Ensure Safe & Effective Prescription Drug Disposal

CADCA and Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals launched a pilot project in Florida's Hillsborough, Collier, and Seminole counties on September 26 to ensure the safe and effective disposal of prescription medications. This pilot project is the next step in the overall strategy to prevent prescription drug misuse in Florida.

Deterra, CADCA, HCADA, Pilot Project
State issues warning on Fentanyl 'super pill'
They want to get this super high, this extreme high," said Gary White, associate director for the alliance.  "They need to understand the perception. The harm that it's causing."
HCADA Interview, home disposal pouch, Deterra
TAC Meeting November Meeting 2020 TAC
Teens Using E-cigarettes More Likely to Start Smoking Tobacco

Published on Aug 18, 2015
NIDA Director Dr. Nora Volkow discusses NIH-funded study which shows possible link between teens use of e-cigarettes and initiation of tobacco use.

Tobacco, NIDA, Volkow
The Hardest Pill to Swallow | Tracy Jackson | TEDxNashville

Dr. Tracy Jackson presents the idea that "pain is in the brain" and explains why a pill won’t make it go away. Dr. Jackson explores the truths and consequences of how doctors and patients are getting it wrong in pain management and the way to make it right.

prescription drugs, Rx, Youtube
Vaping Additional Information and Resources

Vaping Among Teens

Vaping devices are popular among teens and are now the most commonly used form of nicotine among youth in the United States. Some research shows that many teens do not even realize that vaping cartridges contain nicotine, and assume the pods contain only flavoring. The easy availability of these devices, alluring advertisements, various e-liquid flavors, and the belief that they're safer than cigarettes have helped make them appealing to this age group. In addition, they are easy to hide from teachers and parents because they do not leave behind the stench of tobacco cigarettes, and are often disguised as flash drives.   NIDA- National Institute of Drug Abuse

Vaping Additional Information and Resources

Florida Health Department Data on Vaping

2018 5 Hillsborough County Alcohol Facts

2017 Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) Central Breath Testing Data
 4,077 DUI arrests countywide
 1,798 Tampa Police Department DUI arrests
 1,740 HCSO DUI arrests
 .143 Average BAC and 42.19% breath test refusal rate

2018 Marijuana in Colorado Volume 5
2019 4 HCADA Drug Take Back- Gary HCADA Interview


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