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Mother loses son to drugs, pursues passion to help others

TAMPA, Fla. - Cindy Grant grew up among a large family of lobster fishermen, but after moving to Tampa she suffered an unimaginable tragedy. Now she has dedicated her life to helping others overcome substance abuse.    


HCADA Interview
Opioid deaths skyrocket across US; Tampa Bay one of worst in nation for overdoses

In the Tampa Bay area, the overdose rate is 23 out of every 100,000 people. That rate is 9 percent higher than the rest of Florida and 50 percent higher than the national average. Florida ranks second only to California in the number of overdose deaths. But the fight against opioids continues.

Opioid use prevalent among electronic dance music partygoers

One in 10 electronic dance music (EDM) party attendees have misused opioids in the past year, exceeding the national average, finds a study by the Center for Drug Use and HIV/HCV Research (CDUHR) at NYU Meyers College of Nursing.

EDM, Opioid
Opioids-Drug Information

Opioids are a class of drugs naturally found in the opium poppy plant. Some prescription opioids are made from the plant directly, and others are made by scientists in labs using the same chemical structure.

Prescription Opioids



Drug Information
Overview of Major Issues Regarding the Impacts of Alcohol and Marijuana on Driving

As part of a project funded by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, this document provides an overview of issues related to marijuana consumption, driving impairment and blood testing as well as the potential impacts of social and legal factors. Comparisons are made to alcohol to provide a point of reference. This
overview focuses on the types of marijuana generally available at legal recreational stores and medical dispensaries and not on pharmaceutical grade preparations. 

Alcohol, marijuana, driving
Pediatricians recommend screening children for drug use starting at age 9

Young children are getting their hands on drugs more than ever before. It's becoming such a concern that the American Academy of Pediatrics is recommending children as young as nine be screened for substance abuse.

Drug Screening
Potent drugs packaged like candy, legally sold in Florida sparks calls for stricter rules

TAMPA, Fla.  — Products from cake pops to candy containing a chemical compound called Delta 8 are being sold legally in Florida without a prescription and with the goal of getting people high.

The I-Team has uncovered these products have caused hospitalizations and at least one death, sparking calls in Hillsborough County for better regulation of these products.

“It’s candy with drugs in it sold in your convenience store,” said Ellen Snelling, who chairs the Hillsborough County Anti-Drug Alliance.

She recently took packages of candy that looked like popular brands, including Skittles, Nerds and gummy bears.

Snelling, Delta-8

Hillsborough County has consistently been ranked the worst or near the worst in Florida for DUI crashes, injuries, and fatalities. Given the dangers of impaired driving and the importance of reducing recidivism to promote long-term community safety, the State Attorney’s Office (SAO) has established the Reducing Impaired Driving Recidivism (“RIDR”) initiative.

State Attorney
Resource Assessment – Hillsborough County Substance Abuse Prevention

Resource Assessment – Hillsborough County Substance Abuse Prevention

Prevention Program
Sentiment still mixed as some celebrate 4/20
No2pot, marijuana
Substance Abuse in the United States: Findings From Recent Epidemiologic Studies

This research has demonstrated continued shifts in trends in illicit drug use in the United States and called attention to rising rates of prescription drug misuse and abuse. Findings have also continued to highlight the substantial comorbidity of SUDs with other psychiatric disorders and with the ongoing HIV epidemic. Building on these foundations, future challenges for research in substance abuse epidemiology will include using novel methodologic approaches to further unravel the complex interrelationships that link individual vulnerabilities for SUDs, including genetic factors, with social and environmental risk factors.


Prevention Program

·         According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, more than 1,050 people were killed in crashes involving a teen driver in 2016 during the 100 Deadliest Days, the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day.
·         In the Tampa Bay area, when compared to other days of the year, the average number of deaths from crashes involving teen drivers. Ages 16–19, increased by 16 percent during those 100 days. 
·         60 percent of teen crashes are caused by distracted driving
·         The biggest distraction? Other people in the car.
·         Crashes involving alcohol kill one in every 100,000 teens during the summer months.
What parents can do:
·        Talk to your teens about the importance of not allowing others to distract them in the car and to be a non-distracting passenger. Remind them that cars have passenger limits based on the number of seats, and to never get into an over-loaded car.
·         Set and enforce reasonably early curfews for teens during the summer months. Sleepy driving can be deadly driving.
·         Agree upon a safe word that your teen can text to you at any time that means “Come pick me up.” Give your teen the option of getting a ride home with mom or dad, no questions asked.
·         Remind them, daily, to not text, SnapChat, Instagram, or WhatsApp and drive.
·         Talk to them, continuously, about the dangers of driving impaired.

Teen Warning Signs

Mental Health
The Relationship Between Video Games and Anxiety

Do video games cause anxiety? This is a common question without an easy yes-or-no answer. Researchers haven’t found evidence that video games cause anxiety directly; instead, studies continue to show that video games and anxiety are correlated. This means that, rather than having a cause-and-effect relationship, the two relate and contribute to each other.

Video games
Think twice before passing medical marijuana laws

State after state is legalizing medical marijuana, but doctors and patient groups aren’t demanding these laws. The AMA doesn’t want them, nor does the American Cancer Society. The American Academy of Pediatrics is against medical marijuana and the Glaucoma Foundation warns patients not to use it.

Prescription cannabinoids are also much less likely to be abused or diverted to teenage use. And they’re more long acting, which is good for genuine patients who don’t want to be stoned all the time. So there’s no reason for anyone to smoke marijuana.

The main people who benefit from medical marijuana laws are people who want to get high or who want to sell the drug.

marijuana, Not Medicine
Webinar: What Can Localities Do About Alcohol Products That Are Attractive and Dangerous to Youth?
Video, Webinar, Alcohol, teens
What You Need to Know About E-Cigarettes


Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, are tobacco products that have been sold in the U.S. for about a decade. They include e-pens, e-pipes, e-hookah, and e-cigars, known collectively as ENDS—electronic nicotine delivery systems. They're also sometimes called JUULs, "vapes" and "vape pens." E-cigarettes are the most commonly used tobacco products among kids—and it's become an epidemic. 

Why is adolescence a critical time for preventing drug addiction?

Science of Addiction- National Institute of Drug Abuse  (beginning of information)

Early use of drugs increases a person’s chances of developing addiction. Remember, drugs change brains—and this can lead to addiction and other serious problems. So, preventing early use of drugs or alcohol may go a long way in reducing these risks. If we can prevent young people from experimenting with drugs, we can prevent drug addiction.

Prevention Program
‘Operation Kandy Krush’ finds illegal hemp products aimed at kids

Ellen Snelling speaks up for our families and children!

Delta-8, HCADA Interview


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