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Website contains everything you need to know about the consequences and risks of using marijuana.  Articles, infographics, statistics, data, Colorado data, comparing alcohol and marijuana, research, studies and many educational ideas.


HCADA- Vaping 2: Risks and dangers of vaping with Dr. Marilyn B.
2018 Marijuana in Colorado Volume 5
DFAF- The Truth about Marijuana
Drive Baked Get Busted

Driving high is driving impaired.
You can hurt yourself. You can hurt others.
You can face serious legal and monetary
consequences as a result of a DUI arrest. 

Florida, DOT
Florida- Impaired driving

Driving high is driving impaired. When you are under the influence and choose to drive, your decision can affect countless people. You can hurt yourself. You can hurt others. And a DUI arrest can lead to serious legal and monetary consequences.

drugged, Impaired, drugged driving
Know the Risks

E-cigarette use poses a significant – and avoidable – health risk to young people in the United States. Besides increasing the possibility of addiction and long-term harm to brain development and respiratory health, e-cigarette use is associated with the use of other tobacco products that can do even more damage to the body. Even breathing e-cigarette aerosol that someone else has exhaled poses potential health risks.

Marijuana-Drug Information

Marijuana refers to the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indicaplant. The plant contains the mind-altering chemical THC and other similar compounds.

Drug Information
National Families in Action

Excellent information on the cost of legalizing marijuana to employers.  Also, great resource for articles throughout the nation on impact of legalization and other topics of interest.  Based out of Georgia.

NIDA – Marijuana: Facts for Teens

Answers teens’ most frequently asked questions about drugs and abuse with scientific facts and engaging images.

Smart Colorado

Smart Colorado: Protecting youth from marijuana.

Tell Your Children the Truth about marijuana, mental health and violence
book, literature
The Marijuana

The Marijuana Report.Org is National Families in Action’s newest website. It aggregates stories about marijuana covered in the print and broadcast media. Stories are briefly summarized on the Home Page. Clicking “Read” at the end of each summary accesses the original article. Story summaries are organized under more than 50 categories. Clicking on any yellow category accesses all summaries published under that category. Pages across the top provide in-depth analyses of key issues (Reports, Commentary) and tools (Fact Sheets, Infographics, Tool Kits) to educate leaders about various aspects of this complex and poorly understood issue.

What are the health risks of vaping?
NIDA, vaping
What Parents should know about Marijuana
What You Need to Know About Marijuana Use and Pregnancy

Marijuana use during pregnancy can be harmful to your baby’s health. The chemicals in marijuana (in particular, tetrahydrocannabinol or THC) pass through your system to your baby and can negatively affect your baby’s development.

Pregnancy, CDC

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