Website | Description | Tags | |
Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility |
We are proud to celebrate the innovative contributions we have made for 25 years and we attribute our success to the support, encouragement, and commitment from our member companies, partners, advisory board, and the millions of teachers, parents, and kids across the country who use and share our programs. We look forward to continued progress in the fight against drunk driving and underage drinking for a safer and healthier America. We know that individuals making a true impact will help us all move towards this goal. |
Students, Teachers, Interactive Maps, Legislation | |
The Real Cost of Vaping |
As an educator, you can play an active role in fighting the teen vaping epidemic. Use these resources to start an honest conversation with your class and help to change social norms at your school. INTERACTIVE, INFOGRAPHIC, ACTIVITIES... |
vaping, Teachers, Students, parents |
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