Sheriff Young from Gadsen County supports Amendment 3 while 65 other sheriffs strongly oppose. Young claims regulation would elimiate fentanyl poisoning yet there are no documented cases that he is willing to release to back-up his claims.
Young has referenced a mass fentanyl poisoning blamed for at least six deaths in Gadsden County as being linked to fentanyl-laced marijuana, but his office declined to release records related to the case, citing an ongoing investigation.
This November, Amendment 3 will be on the Florida ballot, proposing a radical change to our state's drug policies and making recreational marijuana legal. This new policy would make Florida the state with the largest legal limit, meaning an individual (including potential drug dealers) could possess enough marijuana for 100 joints and law enforcement would be limited in their ability to protect those who are targets of the dealers, including our youth.
Throughout my 33 years in law enforcement, I have seen firsthand how drugs have ruined lives and endangered our communities. So, believe me when I say Amendment 3 poses serious threats to the wellbeing of Floridians, and the associated risks outweigh any benefits.
The Tallahassee Police Department is investigating a homicide at a Florida Hemp Distribution store.
Officers arrived at the business located at 220 West Tennessee Street just before 6 p.m. whe
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