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Marijuana-Drug Information 05/28/2018

Marijuana refers to the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indicaplant. The plant contains the mind-altering chemical THC and other similar compounds.

All Drug Information, Article, Drug Information, Marijuana
EyeDentifying Drug Abuse 05/28/2018

When the following signs and symptoms are consistently  identified, along with  other health consequences like changes in hair, changes teeth, changes  skin, changes mental health, and changes social habits, they can indicate problematic substance use.   The person generally loses interest in life,  stops setting goals and struggles with activities of daily living. 


All Drug Information, Article, Drug Information
Alcohol- Drug Information 05/28/2018

Alcohol Effects on the Body

Data and Statistics- SAMHSA


Alcohol, All Drug Information, Article, Drug Information
Emerging Trends and Alerts- NIDA 05/27/2018 All Drug Information, Article, Drug Information, PARAPHERNALIA, Trends
Alcohol and Public Health- CDC 05/26/2018

Alcohol, Article, CDC
Making Summer Safe 05/26/2018 Article, Other Resources
2018 5 Hillsborough County Alcohol Facts 05/22/2018

2017 Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) Central Breath Testing Data
 4,077 DUI arrests countywide
 1,798 Tampa Police Department DUI arrests
 1,740 HCSO DUI arrests
 .143 Average BAC and 42.19% breath test refusal rate

Alcohol, Article
Resource Assessment – Hillsborough County Substance Abuse Prevention 05/21/2018

Resource Assessment – Hillsborough County Substance Abuse Prevention

Article, Prevention Program, Programs Educational Material
Effective Prevention Programs 05/16/2018

All Drug Information, Article, Prevention Program, Programs Educational Material
Ineffective Prevention Programs 05/14/2018

Read about prevention education programs that are ineffective and why they are ineffective. 

Article, Prevention Program, Programs Educational Material
Why is adolescence a critical time for preventing drug addiction? 05/14/2018

Science of Addiction- National Institute of Drug Abuse  (beginning of information)

Early use of drugs increases a person’s chances of developing addiction. Remember, drugs change brains—and this can lead to addiction and other serious problems. So, preventing early use of drugs or alcohol may go a long way in reducing these risks. If we can prevent young people from experimenting with drugs, we can prevent drug addiction.

All Drug Information, Article, Prevention Program, Programs Educational Material
Kratom 05/14/2018

Kratom is a tropical tree (Mitragyna speciosa) native to Southeast Asia, with leaves that contain compounds that can have psychoactive (mind-altering) effects. When kratom is taken in small amounts, users report increased energy, sociability, and alertness instead of sedation. However, kratom can also cause uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous side effects.

Current Articles

All Drug Information, Article, Kratom
Drinking, drugs are most dangerous things college students face 05/06/2018

“A lot of people my age didn't realize I had a problem. Because I wasn't using certain drugs, because I wasn't drinking early in the morning or doing the 'typical' alcoholic stereotypes,” said Pollard.

Alcohol, Article, Parents
Pediatricians recommend screening children for drug use starting at age 9 04/29/2018

Young children are getting their hands on drugs more than ever before. It's becoming such a concern that the American Academy of Pediatrics is recommending children as young as nine be screened for substance abuse.

All Drug Information, Article, Drug Screening, HCADA General, Parents, Professional, Youth
2018 Florida Driving Impaired Survey 04/13/2018

The results of this study provide the Florida DHSMV with a substantial amount of information about Florida residents’ perceptions of and behaviors related to impaired driving.

All Drug Information, Article, Florida, Impaired, Reports


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